Author: Hisashi Saitō
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Harem, Ecchi, Romance, Drama
Data of Release of the anime: 4 October 2009
Number of episodes: 13
This anime is about Sakurai Tomoki, a young student and his motto is "some peace and quiet is always the best." (that means that he doesn't like confusions...) and he has the same strange dream since he was little about a girl that same's lost and asks him for help, but he can never remember how she looks like when he wakes up. Eishirou Sugeta, a older student of the college beliefs that the dream is from a "new world". Sugita aks Tomoki to analyse a anomaly, that in his opinion is the "new world". While they wait for some friends, Sugita and Sohara, a childhood friend, A anomaly appears in the sky and someone unknown falls from the sky, that was the Angel Ikaros.
My opinion:
The anime is easy to understand once seen, is one of those animes that you can't have a proper idea of what it is like just for reading this post... that's why i always advise people to check it out... so you can have a clean idea of what i am telling you... is hard to describe a anime. I did like this anime, found out about this anime by a friend.
This anime has a bit of ecchi, you will like it, just make sure you don't watch it when your mum is around, otherwise she will think you are watching something that you shouldn't :) I promise there's not anything wrong with this anime... as my mum used to say "there is much more than meets the eye". Totally worth to watch this anime, you will certainly enjoy it.
Here is the trailer for you guys to have a idea about the anime.
hope you guys enjoyed, see your guys next week.
I'm glad you put in a bit saying the content is ok to watch